Electro Shock Therapy

Aesthetic Podiatry & Sports Medicine Center

Podiatrists & Sports Medicine located in White Plains, White Plains, NY & Purchase, NY

Electroshock therapy is an effective and noninvasive treatment that relieves pain caused by plantar fasciitis and Morton’s neuromas. There’s no downtime afterward, and most people experience immediate results. At Aesthetic Podiatry & Sports Medicine Center in Purchase and White Plains, New York, Mariola Rivera, DPM, Lisa Shah, DPM, and the team use electroshock therapy to manage foot-related issues. Call the nearest Aesthetic Podiatry & Sports Medicine Center office to schedule an electroshock therapy appointment, or book your visit online today.

Electro Shock Therapy Q & A

Is shockwave therapy the same thing as electroshock therapy?

Yes. Electroshock therapy and extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) refer to the same procedure. 

This treatment uses high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to encourage the body’s natural healing process. It’s safe and effective for soft tissue-related foot and ankle issues, like plantar fasciitis (chronic heel pain) and neuromas (nerve tumors). 

Both Aesthetic Podiatry & Sports Medicine Center offices provide shockwave therapy onsite.

Aesthetic Podiatry & Sports Medicine Center also provides noninvasive treatment for onychomycosis (toenail fungus). However, this treatment uses a device called the Pinpointe Laser. Laser treatment uses light energy to heat and destroy harmful nail fungus. 

How does electroshock therapy work?

Electroshock therapy is an outpatient procedure.

Before the procedure begins, you sit or lie down on an exam table. Your provider applies a special gel to the affected area.

Next, they run a handheld device (transducer) across your skin. The transducer emits high-frequency sound waves that penetrate your skin and bounce off your injured soft tissue. 

This process increases blood flow, reduces inflammation, and encourages the formation of new, healthy tissue. 

Treatment typically lasts 15-20 minutes. However, it might take longer, depending on the severity of the issue and your symptoms. At the end of the session, your provider wipes the gel from your skin and provides care instructions. 

What is recovery like after electroshock therapy?

After electroshock therapy, it’s normal to experience mild skin discoloration, soreness, and increased sensitivity. You can safely return to your routine. That said, avoid strenuous activities like intense exercise for at least two weeks. 

How long does electroshock therapy take to work?

It depends on the issue treated and your symptoms. Some folks report a significant reduction in heel and foot pain after just one treatment, but this is the exception and not the rule. That’s because electroshock therapy is a cumulative treatment, meaning it takes several procedures for the results to build. 

The Aesthetic Podiatry & Sports Medicine Center providers typically recommend a series of at least three electroshock therapy treatments spaced 1-2 weeks apart.* Your provider monitors your symptoms at each visit and adjusts your treatment plan as needed.

Call the nearest Aesthetic Podiatry & Sports Medicine Center office to schedule electroshock therapy, or book your visit online today.